Angol nyelvi szintfelmérő


: Megértettem és elfogadom az weboldal adatkezelési nyilatkozatát, továbbá az alábbi checkbox pipálásával - az Általános Adatvédelmi Rendelet (GDPR) 6. cikk (1) bekezdés a) pontja, továbbá a 7. cikk rendelkezése alapján - hozzájárulok, hogy az adatkezelő a most megadott személyes adataimat a GDPR, továbbá a saját adatkezelési tájékoztatójának feltételei szerint kezelje. Tudomásul veszem, hogy a GDPR 7. cikk (3) bekezdése szerint a hozzájárulásomat bármikor visszavonhatom.

1. Where ____?____ from?
  1. she is
  2. is she
  3. are she

2. The film ____?____ at 11.30 p.m.
  1. finish
  2. finishs
  3. finishes

3. They ____?____ any foreign languages.
  1. don’t speak
  2. doesn’t speak
  3. are not speak

4. Is she your ____?____ ?
  1. brothers’ girlfriend
  2. brother’s girlfriend
  3. girlfriend’s brother

5. My father ____?____ TV.
  1. never watches
  2. never watch
  3. never watching

6. I ____?____ drive very well.
  1. not can
  2. can’t
  3. must to

7. What does she do? Answer: ____?____
  1. She’s reading.
  2. She’s a student.
  3. She does her homework.

8. Where is Jane? She’s in the bathroom. ____?____
  1. She has a shower.
  2. She’s having a shower.
  3. She having a shower.

9. The children are very quiet. I can’t hear ____?____ .
  1. they
  2. them
  3. their

10. Today is ____?____ than yesterday.
  1. cold
  2. more cold
  3. colder

11. Who ____?____ the window?
  1. broke
  2. did break
  3. breaked

12. Look at those big clouds! ____?____
  1. It is going to rain.
  2. It’ll rain.
  3. It raining.

13. How long ____?____ in this office? Since January.
  1. are you
  2. have you being
  3. have you been

14. I haven’t done my homework ____?____ .
  1. just
  2. yet
  3. already

15. I can’t drive. Neither ____?____ I.
  1. do
  2. can
  3. can't

16. How much cheese is there? Only ____?____ .
  1. few
  2. a little
  3. a loaf

17. I ’ve bought ____?____ really nice for Jane’s birthday.
  1. nothing
  2. anything
  3. something

18. This film is ____?____ .
  1. frightening
  2. frightened
  3. terrified

19. I ____?____ play football when I was a child.
  1. use to
  2. am used to
  3. used to

20. When was this church ____?____ ?
  1. build
  2. built
  3. being built

21. Are you fed up ____?____ politics?
  1. by
  2. in
  3. with

22. I ____?____ her.
  1. am not understanding
  2. don’t understand
  3. didn’t understood

23. You ____?____ TV.
  1. are always watch
  2. have always watched
  3. are always watching

24. In 2001, we ____?____ in the summer.
  1. have been here
  2. have being here
  3. came here

25. When I ____?____ she ____?____.
  1. arrived / have smoked
  2. arrive / smoked
  3. arrived / she was smoking

26. By the time I ____?____ , the weather ____?____ .
  1. arrived / has changed
  2. arrived / changed
  3. arrived / had changed

27. It was very different ____?____ anything else.
  1. from
  2. to
  3. than

28. I think, people don ’t mind ____?____ housework.
  1. to do
  2. doing
  3. do

29. As soon as I make up my mind, I ____?____ let you know
  1. ’ll
  2. am going to

30. I ____?____ one tomorrow if I ____?____ enough money.
  1. will get / had
  2. get / would have
  3. would get / had

31. Do you think ____?____ ?
  1. he has changed the password
  2. has he changed the password
  3. has the password changed

32. The Erath ____?____ by lightening 8.4 million times a day.
  1. hits
  2. is hit
  3. is being hit

33. ____?____ his age, people believed him.
  1. Despite of
  2. In spite of
  3. even though

34. ____?____ is healthy.
  1. Swim
  2. To swim
  3. Swimming

35. It ’s the novel ____?____ made him famous around the world.
  1. what
  2. who
  3. that

36. Generally, ____?____ the dog, ____?____ it is to take care of.
  1. the smaller / the easier
  2. the smallest / the easiest
  3. the smaller / the easiest

37. Just think! This time next week ____?____ around Barcelona.
  1. we’ll walk
  2. we’ll be walking
  3. we’re going to walk

38. Ireland grew rapidly during the 1990s ____?____ 8% a year.
  1. topping
  2. providing
  3. averaging

39. The USA has one of the fastest growing economies in the ____?____ world
  1. developing
  2. developed
  3. undeveloped

40. A better ____?____ of standards of living is gross national product.
  1. record
  2. sign
  3. indicator